Thursday, July 28, 2016

UAV Careers Drone - Kings

Phoenix Aviation - Drones

Dr. Russell O. David - Drone Career Consultant

"Your Child's Guide To A Drone Career"


STEM-Based Program
(Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)

The world has a new opportunity designed to help anyone, who wishes, to succeed in a technology field can do so in the Aviation/Aerospace/Drone industry.

Starting on September 29, 2018, I will be sharing information on how a child, as young as 16, can start to build on a career opportunity in the drone industry. 

Not only will I share information, but I will offer scholarships to receive a drone study course that will help them pass the FAA required test. This test is for those who wish to earn money from drone use as a PIC (Pilot In Charge) The scholarships are available to students age 16 and older and are enrolled in high school. The scholarship is in the amount of $299, which is the amount of the course offered by one of my drone company contacts.

The drone phenomenon started with the military when they used drone during the recent conflicts in Iran, Iraq, and other countries which were the site of lethal conflicts.

Although our primary focus is the Drone industry, you must know that drones are a part of Aviation/Aerospace. Our students will be offered the opportunity to learn to fly an airplane without leaving the ground - initially!

The FAA and other agencies predict the industry will be in excess of 90 billion dollars in revenues in the next 5 years. Whoever wants a part of that is welcome to do so.

Taking advantage of this windfall - students who are STEM conscious are potentially destined to put themselves in a 5 figure income bracket by the time they graduate from high school and be the owners of their own businesses.   

I've designed this entire program to be beneficial to all those who have a desire to succeed without spending 4 years of grueling study.

Many can't find employment after graduation that matches the subject they've toiled over for several years and still face future - stealing student loans.

I'm not downing college, but there is a better way, and I can show it to whoever is willing and have a desire to spend just a little time studying to gain access to the big league in income.

Some of the crucial benefits that come with affiliation with our Aviation / Aerospace - Drone program include:

  • A solid and growing future potential.
  • Education that's not taught in schools
  • Peace of mind - shy away from bad company
  • Ability to accomplish something worthwhile
  • Family bonding - parents get into the act
  • Fast entry into a career after graduation
  • Low cost - will not drain your wallet
  • No student loans to worry about
  • etc.
The videos below provide a great deal of information about what you can expect to be exposed to in the drone industry, not to mention a first-year potential income up to 100K.

The hands-on project will be starting August 23. We will be taking applications for the first 10 children for drone flight training. Contact me for more information. 803 237 9072

Following the rules laid down by the FAA are imperative to your success. Passing the Part 107 exam is imperative in advancing in your new Drone career. The following is the link that leads you there: Part 107 FAA Rule

See rules here
The FAA rules you find on this site are in constant evolution. Since I first formulated the site there has been a great amount of changes made by the FAA, that not only effect commercial PICs, but everyone who fly drones, even for fun.

Industries transformed by drones


$500 an hour

Farming / large and small
Potential $1,000 a day

Real Estate
Law enforcement
Electrical power lines

The DroneUAV / UAS, industry has reached a fever pitch in the need for qualified drone professionals. As many opportunities as there are it's obvious that anyone who will take the time to study and learn a position will make a great deal of money!

These are just some of the career opportunities that are available to you right NOW!

(UAV unmanned Aerial vahicle, UAS Unmanned Aerial Systems)